DeVroomen at Keukenhof!

Our garden at Keukenhof is in bloom! All of the varieties used are available for purchase. Check out some of them below.

Remember to order before August 4, 2024 for complete availability.

Here are some varieties used in the DeVroomen Garden!

Hyacinth City of Haarlem

SKU: 26737216
Height: 25 cm
Soft, buttery-yellow flowers. Very fragrant.

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Hyacinth Woodstock

SKU: 82707216
Height: 25 cm
Vivid, violet-purple flowers. Very fragrant.

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Muscari latifolium

SKU: 39926306
Height: 15 cm
Dark blue flowers, light blue top.

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Fritillaria Red Beauty

SKU: 88155320
Height: 85 cm
Sturdy, rigid stems holding clusters of beautiful, red bell-shaped flowers.

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Tulip Purple Cloud

SKU: 88127212
Height: 45 cm
Robust stems producing large, lasting purple blossoms.

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Tulip Apeldoorn

SKU: 25957212
Height: 55 cm
Large scarlet red flowers, good naturalizer.

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Deadline for the full Retail availability is coming up next week! Order now before quantities become limited.


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