Extend Your Blooms with These Long-Lasting Blends!

Get your spring flower display to last a little longer with these tulip mixes. Bulbs are selected for early, mid and late season bloom times. Bulbs of the same color, premixed together. Available in landscape quantities and retail packaging.

Landscape Extended Blooms are available in multiples of 150 bulbs.

  • SKU: 05305312 - Pink
  • SKU: 11405312 - Red
  • SKU: 88825312 - Purple
  • SKU: 33255312 - White
  • SKU: 11415312 - Yellow
  • SKU: 88745312 - Orange

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Retail Packaged bulbs are available in 10 packs of 20 bulbs.

  • 43183 - 60 Days of Daffodils
  • 43184 - 60 Days of Tulips

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Each year we strive to add uniquely beautiful Tulip varieties to our Simple Pleasures program to help independent retailers stand out from mass merchants and discount stores. Here are just 6 stunning new varieties that are available this Fall.


Deadline for the full Retail availability is coming up next week! Order now before quantities become limited.


At DeVroomen, we have the largest selection of itoh and garden peonies in North America. These low maintenance perennials always make a statement in the garden and most varieties are good for cut flower use. Order before August 2nd for access to our full availability.


Darwin Hybrid Tulips, the giants of the tulip world, are the most popular variety of landscape tulip. Standing tall on sturdy stems, most are excellent choices for cut flowers and forcing. Many perennialize well. Available in bulk landscape quantities and retail packaging.