Specialty Bulbs

Besides the most famous and well-known species, we also sell bulbs that are less standard but are specialty bulbs that definitely deserve as much attention as the famous daffodils and tulips. These varieties are just as reliable, and each sort has its own role to play in the garden and landscape. They are less prominent but add just as much colour as other spring-flowering garden plants do. At De Vroomen, we adore specialty bulbs, like Anemones, Camassia, Chionodoxa, and Eranthis. Explore this page full of beautiful flower bulbs and choose the ones you like. Ordering at De Vroomen is simple, just enter our webshop.

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What are Specialty Bulbs

Specialty Bulbs are flower bulbs that aren’t as famous as other spring-flowering bulbs like daffodils, tulips, and crocuses. At De Vroomen, we give these less popular flowers as much attention as they deserve. Discover species and types you’ve never seen before. For example, Camassias, that produce star-like little flowers on one firm stem. Or Anemones, that are definitely indispensable in every spring garden. Specialty bulbs contain easy ground-covering flower bulbs, even as tall-growing overwhelming sorts.

Popular Specialty Bulbs

As many gardeners want to fill their garden with color and scent, our specialty bulbs contain beautifully flowering and lovely smelling garden plants. Some specialty bulbs are less well-known than others, but we love to list out the most popular types at De Vroomen:

  • Fritillaria Aurora: these orange bell-shaped downfacing flowers look tropical in every garden. The leaves are sticking out on top look like a crown on the orange flowers.
  • Puschkinia scilloides var libanotica: this Hyacinth-look-a-like produces bunches of white, blue striped flowers clustered to one stem. Puschkinias show up while temperatures outside can still be frosty. These early spring-flowering bulbs look lovely in every garden.
  • Anemone Blue Shade: these fantastic low-remain ground-covering flowers are perfect for growing under deciduous trees. The blue petals with yellow hearts look like a daisy flower and grow up to 2” (5 cm). Easily cover a border with Anemones with the Anemone Blue Shade.
  • Camassia Alba: this tall-growing species produces stems that can grow up to 26” (66 cm). The star-shaped, creamy white flowers naturalize well and are animal-resistant. Camassia Alba blooms in late spring through very late spring. Once you discover our specialty bulbs, you never want to have a garden without these superb species.

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